Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Could It Be...2nd Trimester??

Today, something amazing happened.

I cooked.

From scratch.

With raw meat!

I am still in shock. And that better be the best chicken pot pie ever, because I will be sorely disappointed if it's not after all the effort I put into it.

I haven't cooked in three months. Not real cooking anyway. No desire to eat, combined with newly found olfactory abilities that could rival a search dogs, combined with persistent back-pain and general not-feeling-well led to...DH cooking. If it can be called that (if you're reading this, I love you and appreciate all your efforts btw!!). Actually, for the most part, we've been getting take out and eating ready-made type foods.

I've been going through a "food of the week" phenomenon...each week there's something that I like and can tolerate, and it's the only thing I can stomach. I eat it for about a week, and then, without warning, suddenly it becomes as disgusting as everything else. Early on while I was still visiting my family, it was baked potatoes. But only baked potatoes from Wendy's. I was happy, because there's a Wendy's not far from our place. Except that by the time I got back to Canada, I couldn't stand them anymore. Then it was pizza, but that only lasted for a few days. I can't remember the weeks after that...who knows what I was eating then. A couple of weeks ago it was pizza buns/frozen pizza pockets. Last week it was Kraft macaroni and cheese. Yes, it's been a very healthy pregnancy so far.

This week, I thought the food of the week might be pierogies...but I got incredibly bloated after the first time I had them, so I guess that's not happening.

And today, miraculously, I wanted real food! Not just carbs that come out of a cardboard box or the freezer.

I somehow managed to defrost, cut, and cook the chicken without ever touching it. Impressive, I know.

I'm wondering...could this be the dawn of the 2nd trimester?? I have been praying for some reprieve from my aversion to food and crazy eating habits. I sincerely hope it's coming, along with my pot pie!


JW Moxie said...

I hope that this reprieve lasts and becomes more permanent! For a while in my twin pregnancy, the only things I could tolerate were grapes and granola bars!

Just Me. said...

WOO-HOO!!! I know, it's such a milestone to finally look at meats and not flinch, to finally cook and finally eat! I ate practically nothing but mashed potatoes, nuggets and so craving for KFC!

I am so so happy for you that you're in your 2nd trimester. Really really happy for you.


I Believe in Miracles said...

I made a pot pie tonight too - but mine had steak in it. Hope the reprieve lasts.

Sarah said...

Impressive indeed! How did you manage to do all that without ever having touched the chicken?!

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

I do hope for you that this is turning over a new leaf! Some days I wish I would have even the slightest aversion to food! But indeed I don't and I love it so, I eat it! Oh well!

IVF Again! said...

I was just reading through your blog. I am so happy for you. Finally! You're pregnant...and with twins. I'm on my second cycle of Clomid (50 mg). Hopefully this will be the cycle we conceive. We should know in the next couple weeks. Your blog gives me hope because you got pregnant on your second cycle of Clomid. Best wishes!

Brandi Tejeda said...

YAY! that sounds so yummy too! I hope you continue to be able to...eat normally? haha! eating was never a problem for me when pregnant (and still is not)...but not eating..now THERE was the hard part! :) Good to hear from you! Still praying for you and your sweet babies!

Mandy said...

Sounds like you are starting to feel better. My eating habits changed over night. My first trimester was bread, crackers, and Chi.potle tacos. Now I am starving all the time, and I just want food in general, if it's crunchy-even better. And I feel like a new woman-I have energy, I am not tired as much, did I mention hungry (you get the point.) I am glad to hear everything is going well!!

nbjenni said...

Congrats on your twins! I'm glad you found my blog, b/c that means I can follow your blog now.

GibsonTwins said...

Glad you're feeling better!!

I laughed so hard at the cutting chicken without touching it! That is SO ME! I can make MEATBALLS without touching them haha! It's either that or pay someone else to do it and I'm far too cheap to do that!

Thanks for updating us and keep up the great work :)

Jules said...

So glad that you're starting to enjoy other food. Hopefully it is a sign that the 2nd trimester is going to be very kind to you. They say it's the 'Honeymoon' phase of pregnancy but it never was for me :( Thankfully I had cream eggs, KFC, Kraft Dinner, McDonald's and Harvey's to pull me through my pregnancies! lol

I'm impressed with your 'no touching' skills :)

alicia said...

yay! I still am far from cooking. evrything makes me sick, everything! I have been eating so lamely cause i puke everything up! grrr. Ihope it ends for both of us sooN!

sara said...

I think it is the 2nd trimester! Congrats - that is awesome news :-) The only thing I have seemed to have wanted to eat throughout my pregnancy that never changes is vanilla ice cream. Other than that - yes it seems like it changed from week to week. I hope you continue to want to eat "real" food and get to cook too!

JW Moxie said...

Continuing with the similarities, I'm also going to go ahead and guess that you're pg with b/g twins! I have that feeling! :)

Lady Shmoe said...

Ah-ha! I found your blog again! Came across it shortly after you posted that you were pregnant. Congratulations, btw! I am also on a journey to become a Mom and a SAHW in the meantime. Take care and keep bloggin!

Elle said...

Hooray for chicken, and huge congrats on your pregnancy!

I am "just" a SAHW as well, waiting to upgrade to SAHM. No BFP for me yet, but I'm hoping. Looking forward to following your story here.

Bec said...

hahaha good on you for cooking - I wish I had an excuse for all of my food cravings!

Echloe said...

I'm glad you are on to real food now. Better for you and the baby I'm sure.

Lee said...

That sounds wonderful! I hope you are able to start eating a variety of foods soon!

Kristin said...

Woohooo...that is wonderful! I had such long term food aversions last time that I Lost over 20 lbs before I started gaining.

Unknown said...

I am so glad to hear that you have your appetite back. Congratulations!