I started the Clomid (Serophene) yesterday morning. I haven't experienced any side effects yet, and I really hope I won't at all. I was leaning towards waiting a month, after reading everyone's comments (thank you very much!!), but DH said let's go for it. I'll take the last pill before we leave on Thursday, so hopefully if any side-effect is going to happen, it'll just happen before we go...or better yet, nothing will happen at all.
Yesterday we went strawberry picking, which I've been wanting to do for the last three years since I've been in Canada! There are so many berry farms all around our city. I just love strawberries - who doesn't? So far we've had strawberry smoothies, strawberry and spinach salad, and strawberry shortcake. Today was the first time DH had ever had strawberry shortcake! (He liked it, and it turned out quite well, if I do say so myself.) I didn't think it was just a Southern thing, is it?
This picture doesn't do the strawberries justice (most were much redder and riper), but we forgot our camera, so this is what our friends sent us. Nothing says summer like strawberries! :)

The strawberry picking sounds fun!
Yay for starting your Clomid. I hope it goes easy on you with the symptoms, and I hope that in about 4 weeks, you'll be announcing a BFP, too! :D
I'm glad things are a "go" with Clomid this cycle!
I miss strawberry picking! We used to go every year when I was a kid. :)
Blah, Blogger ate my comment.
Good luck with the Clomid. I hope you get by without symptoms. Mine weren't that bad though -- definitely wouldn't have stopped me from enjoying a vacation.
Btw, I replied to your comment.
Our cases do sound really similar. I responded but feel free to email if you have any more questions. myasruminations at gmail dot com.
I really hope that the one round of Clomid is all you need :)
Good for you. I got pregnant first go, so I hope it works for you! It's definately your turn!
Good luck with the Clomid. May your side effects be low and your results positive. (:
Mmmmmmm. I love strawberries. There is a farmers roadside stand a few miles down the road that I love to hit up for the strawberries and oranges. Enjoy!!
Love love love strawberries!!
I hope this cycle works for you. Yay, for no side effects!
I hope you are one of the lucky few with no side effects! Strawberry shortcake is one of my most favorite summer deserts :)
Nothing quite like freshly picked strawberries!
G'luck with everything.
Good luck with the clomid this cycle. I will be thinking of you.
I love strawberries.
Strawberries are so good, and on spinach salad too they are great! I'm glad you had a nice time and are underway with the clomid. Some months I didn't have too many side effects so I'm hoping yours stay quiet as well :-)
I found your blog through Kymberli's. I, too, started out with a Clomid cycle. Well make that started and ended! I am so glad you guys are going ahead with it, the only side effect I can remember was feeling floaty or dizzy but must not have been too bad. It was worth it, especially since I got a pair out of it :)
Good luck!
Will be praying for you too. Good luck with clomid -- and no side effects.
I love strawberries too. My friend picked some and brought them by. Yummy!!
Hope you get to relax on vacation.
Mmm, strawberry shortcake. I don't think of it as a Southern thing, as I've had it lots of times, and here on the Canadian prairie is about as un-southern as you can get.
How do you make your cake? I favour a kind of sweet biscuit with lots of butter in it. Sigh. Now I'm lost in mental food porn.
Oh yeah, and good luck on your first Clomid cycle! Keep us posted on how it goes!
I just wanted to wish the best of luck with Chlomid. Oh and may you stay side-effects free!
Good luck with the Clomid!
Thanks for the comment!
Good luck on the clomid, it wasn't that bad for me, and I went up to 250 MG!!
Have fun on your trip!!
Best of luck on this cycle! It is so exciting to be moving forward. I know my friend's sweet little guy is with us thanks to clomid. I hope you have the same kind of story.
I don't think strawberry shortcake is a southern thing, as it's one of my favourites too (I'm in Ontario). I hope you have a fantastic holiday - I just read through a few entries and the meet-the-family-trip sounds like a nightmare. You need a good holiday. I hope you can enjoy!
Ps. RE's are RE's in Canada too - at least I saw one for tx at our fertility clinic ... so they do exist here. I was just on a trip to the US, had a great time, but it is funny the different things - like buying a house takes so many more hoops than it does up here. (DH is currently unemployed & job searching so we could end up south of the border. We'll have to see how things go.)
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